Bristol is a highly regarded UK regional city among property investors and large corporate occupiers, thanks to its strong economy, excellent transport links and a high-skill workforce.
It also has a remarkably diversified economy, encompassing financial services, professional services, scientific research and development (R&D), media, advanced engineering and logistics. There’s also large and mutually supporting leisure, hospitality and retail industries. This creates a myriad of opportunities for property investors and developers.
Bristol is expected to outperform the UK thanks to robust growth in the services sector, particularly for Knowledge Industries such as Professional Services and Hi-Tech.
Bristol is the largest office market in the south of England after London, totalling 14 million sq ft of floorspace. Its excellent talent pool and research and innovation base has attracted many significant occupiers.
Bristol has a strong retail offer both in the city centre and out-of-town, including the 1 million sq ft Cabot Circus shopping centre which is now the prime-pitch.
Bristol is a key regional distribution hub and one of the prime industrial locations in the South West. Key locations include Filton, Avonmouth and Cribbs Causeway.
Bristol’s strong economy underpins its ongoing desirability as a place to live and study. Set against restricted land supply in the city and green belt constraints, this has led to a supply and demand imbalance.
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