Edinburgh’s property market has always been a popular choice with tenants and investors,
reflecting the many strengths of the city.
It has a highly educated workforce, long established financial and professional services clusters, is a major tourist destination and has more recently developed as a tech and creative hub. The universities contribute to the appeal of Edinburgh on several levels – by feeding more skilled workers into the economy, providing demand for rented accommodation and adding to the vibrant culture of the city.
Edinburgh to outperform UK on growth thanks to robust growth in the services sector, particularly for knowledge industries.
The city’s universities and vibrant cultural scene have attracted a large pool of highly qualified people which makes it an attractive place for companies to operate from.
The investment into St James Quarter has seen Edinburgh's prime pitch move from Princes Street and St James is now seen as the prime destination.
Edinburgh’s industrial stock is concentrated to the west of the city, which benefits from higher levels of available land and better transport links.
The city has a constrained residential market with a lot of demand.
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