Commercial Real Estate Environmental Services

Ground contamination, flood risk and other environmental issues can seriously affect property transactions and development

The growth of environmental due diligence is a result of environmental risk being more fully understood.

We recognised that risk early on and were the first UK property consultancy to set up a dedicated environmental and flooding team. With experts drawn from civil engineering, environmental science and consultancy, we provide a complete picture of risk exposure, delivering practical, cost-conscious solutions and ultimately peace of mind when deciding whether to buy, or develop, property or land.

Our consultants advise clients from the energy and waste sector on environmental permits and flood and drainage issues, carry out a range of ecological surveys and technical specifications for ground investigations.

Contact us

Ground contamination, flood risk and other environmental issues can seriously affect property transactions and development

The growth of environmental due diligence is a result of environmental risk being more fully understood.

We recognised that risk early on and were the first UK property consultancy to set up a dedicated environmental and flooding team. With experts drawn from civil engineering, environmental science and consultancy, we provide a complete picture of risk exposure, delivering practical, cost-conscious solutions and ultimately peace of mind when deciding whether to buy, or develop, property or land.

Our consultants advise clients from the energy and waste sector on environmental permits and flood and drainage issues, carry out a range of ecological surveys and technical specifications for ground investigations.

Due diligence

The viability of a development project could hinge on robust environmental due diligence.

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So could getting an accurate valuation of the real estate asset, ensuring regulatory compliance, and working out actual or possible liabilities.

We produce environmental Phase 1 due diligence reports for single properties and multisite portfolios across the country. Their rigour, depth and quality gives clients confidence in the decision-making process, and are used to support planning applications, for loan security purposes, and during property transactions. They’re also fully aligned with UK, US and EU environmental law.

Site closures and decommissioning processes can also have major environmental implications. We advise occupiers, and insolvency practitioners, on how best to deal with the complexities of environmental permits, authorisations and consents, and we liaise with regulators on their behalf to ensure full compliance.

Key contact

+44 (0)121 609 8228

Flood risk and drainage

The reality of climate change means an increased risk of flooding in low-lying areas.

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We help clients to avoid and mitigate the impact of flooding, identifying specific threats and advising on the best resilience measures to build into their properties. Our in-depth geographical and topographical studies frequently play a key role in clients’ development and acquisition decisions.

Flood risk assessments form a core part of our service, as well as surface water and drainage strategies to support planning applications. As well as helping to build in flood protection at a development stage, we also conduct reviews of our clients’ existing properties to identify ways of protecting them against flood risk.

Key contact

+44 (0)121 609 8228

Key environmental and flooding contacts

David Hoppe

    • Director, Flood Risk and Resilience Manager
    • Energy & Natural Resources
[email protected]

Catriona Woods, PhD MSc BSc(Hons) CSci MIEnvSc

    • Director, Environmental Services
    • Consulting & Advisory
    • Energy & Natural Resources
[email protected]

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