Planning Case Studies

- Location:
- Client: Magnitude Land LLP
In March 2020, Avison Young submitted a hybrid planning application proposing an employment development (Use Class B2 and B8 with ancillary B1 floorspace) and associated infrastructure at Phase 1B and 4B, Ma6nitude, Middlewich. The application was made on behalf of Magnitude Land LLP and Swizzels Matlow Limited. The detailed element of the proposals will be occupied by Swizzels Matlow Limited (Unit 4B); the largest family-owned independent sugar confectionery manufacturer in the United Kingdom. Planning permission was granted in April 2021.
In February 2021, Avison Young submitted an outline planning application, with all matters except for means of access, for an employment development at Phase 3, Ma6nitude, Middlewich, comprising up to 867,000 sqft (80,547 m2) of B8 (storage and distribution), B2 (general industrial) and ancillary E(g) (offices) Use Class on behalf of Magnitude Lane LLP. The application was due to be determined in June 2021.