Lyndsay Hopps
Sales Representative
- Main Line +1 905.712.2100
- Direct Line +1 905.283.2390
- Mobile +1 416.882.9968
- Fax +1 905.712.2937
- Email [email protected]
- Toronto West
- 77 City Centre Drive
- Suite 301
Mississauga, ON L5B 1M5 CA
Lyndsay is an industrial/office real estate specialist in the GTA market. Lyndsay works with both tenants and owners in the leasing, acquisition and disposition of industrial facilities with a specific focus in the GTA West submarket Oakville, Burlington & South West Mississauga.
Lyndsay’s comprehension and appreciation of the market, experience in successfully marketing properties in both the GTA and the surrounding areas, along with frequent contacts with investors, landlords and tenants alike, greatly increases her ability to market properties to a wide variety of prospects.
Over the past decade Lyndsay has honed her skills and developed a special understanding of the needs of her clients and prides herself on providing an unparalleled level of service. All of which has led to countless successful transactions during her time in the industry.
Lyndsay’s skills include: Real estate needs analysis, sale and lease negotiations, lease renegotiation, lease audit and administration, financial analysis, cost bench marking, facility programming and optimization, relocation studies as well as facility marketing and asset repositioning.
Member, Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB), Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), Real Estate
Council of Ontario (RECO), Member, Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP), Founding Member of CRE8, SIOR Associate
• Wilfrid Laurier University – HBA – Business & Communications
• Sheridan College – Post Graduate Degree – Corporate Communications

Mississauga, ON L5L

Oakville, ON

Oakville, ON L6H 6P9

Mississauga, ON L4W 5P9

Oakville, ON L6L0B1

Oakville, ON L6L 6R5

Burlington, ON L7L 5H6

Oakville, ON L6H 6G4

MIssissauga, ON L5L 1M5

Mississauga, ON L5L5Z7

Mississauga, ON L4Y 1R6