37-39 Birchgrove Road, Cardiff
The property is a level irregular shaped parcel of brownfield land extending to c.0.27 acres (0.11 hectares) and is currently occupied by a number of derelict retail and industrial warehousing units. The property has been vacant for over 10 years and prior to receiving planning, was most recently operated as a warehouse and retail outlet for Majestic Wines. The site adjoins other residential dwellings and the boundary of the site comprises a mix of masonry brick wall and fencing.
Access to the site can be obtained from either Birchgrove Road via a dropped curb or alternatively there is a further vehicle access point off Richs Rd to the east.
Access to the site can be obtained from either Birchgrove Road via a dropped curb or alternatively there is a further vehicle access point off Richs Rd to the east.
Fully Consented
No S106
No Affordable Contributions
seeking bids on an unconditional basis only.
Well located
Full planning permission (planning ref: 21/01370/MNR) was granted by Cardiff Council on 16 November 2023 for the demolition of the existing retail and industrial units and the construction of 5 residential dwellings (2 x 2 beds and 3 x 4 beds).
The 5 residential dwellings proposed are a mix of 2-storey and 2.5-storey and comprise one pair of semi-detached and a terrace of three houses. Each dwelling will have a private garden. To the rear, there is singular vehicle access off Richs Road which leads to 9 car parking spaces.
There are no affordable housing requirements or S106 financial contributions attached to the permission.
Copies of the decision notice and other planning documents are available in the information pack.
The 5 residential dwellings proposed are a mix of 2-storey and 2.5-storey and comprise one pair of semi-detached and a terrace of three houses. Each dwelling will have a private garden. To the rear, there is singular vehicle access off Richs Road which leads to 9 car parking spaces.
There are no affordable housing requirements or S106 financial contributions attached to the permission.
Copies of the decision notice and other planning documents are available in the information pack.