Unit 600 Bretton Park, Dewsbury

15,000 sq ft


Modern Distribution Unit and Offices (Part Unit) of c 15,000 sq ft in Dewsbury.


First floor offices 2,929 sq ft (272 sq m)

Warehouse 11,275 sq ft (1,047 sq m)

Ground and dock level loading

Large secure service yard

High bay racking and lighting

Intruder Alarm


Fully air conditioned

High 9.5m eaves

1000 Fully Racked Pallet Locations

Potential for 500 more

Ample Floor Space

LED Lighting

Gas Fire Warm Air Blowers


The property comprises a modern purpose built warehouse unit on the popular Bretton Park estate. From the estate, there is good access west via the A644 to Mirfield, Huddersfield, and Junction 25 M62, north via the A653 Leeds Road to Batley and Junction 28 M62, and east via the A638 to the M1 at Junction 40. Local occupiers include UK Greetings, Blue Spot Furniture and Highgate Beds.


Unit 600 Bretton Park Dewsbury Mar 25.pdf


The warehouse benefits from both ground and dock level loading, and a large secure service yard. It is fitted out with high bay racking and lighting.


Rob Oliver

07769 643 325
01132 808 034

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