2026 Business Rates Revaluation

The next business rates revaluation for England and Wales will take effect on 1st April 2026. The revaluation adjusts property taxes to reflect market rental changes in the property sector.

In this report, we ask how could the government change the business rates system to benefit businesses of all sizes?

Avison Young asks the government six key asks following the Autumn Budget 2024

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Decouple tax from inflationary increases

A commitment that by the 2029 election the government will have tackled the excessive tax rate and delivered a uniform business rate no higher than 40p.

Maintain an upwards transitional scheme

We forecast many sectors will face significant increases in RV in the 2026 revaluation. It's crucial the government implement an upwards transitional scheme to gradually phase in the largest rises.

Extend improvement relief

We recommend extending the current one-year rate holiday for ratepayers on increases in liability, one the current scheme, to a two-year relief.

Review empty rates

The government should implement a system that encourages landlords and developers to invest while also promoting the early reoccupation of vacant properties.

Ensure detailed testing and a roll out of Duty to Notify

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) plans to introduce Duty to Notify, a burdensome and costly self-assessment for ratepayers. We urge the government to ensure thorough testing and a phased rollout.

Invest is digitalisation

The current systems are outdated and lack integration between the VOA and billing authorities. The government must invest in digitising the business rates system.

"Building on the Autumn Budget 2024, we examine the impact on the business rates system and explore the necessary government actions to reform it."

David Jones
Managing Director, Head of Business Rates


For more information, contact:

  • Head of Business Rates