Blenheim House, Eagle Way, Brentwood


The sale of the property known as Blenheim House provides an excellent opportunity to acquire an existing grade II listed building, situated in the highly popular Brentwood town.

The site represents an excellent residential development opportunity located in Brentwood. The site extends to c. 0.3 acres (0.11hectares).

Blenheim House is a Grade II listed building built in 1873. It is the former Royal Anglian Regimental Headquarters and comprises a large house with attached caretakers’ residence, parking area and garden.

The site is vacant with a combined area of 5,603 sq ft (GIA) for the main house and caretaker’s house.


Freehold for sale by informal tender

Suitable for residential refurbishment or redevelopment

Site extends to c. 0.3 acres (0.11 hectares)

Located close to Brentwood town centre
Building extends to an approx. 5,603 sq. ft (GIA)

Grade II listed

Unconditional offers invited

Viewing by appointment only


The site is located off Eagle Way in Warley, south Brentwood, Essex. The site is situated approximately 2 miles to the east of the M25 and approximately 1 mile to the south of Brentwood train station, with direct trains into London Liverpool Street taking between 34 and 40 minutes. The site is also located 100 meters from a bus stop on The Drive, which is served by 4 bus services and provides links to neighbouring towns. The surrounding area is predominantly residential-led, with some retail and leisure premises to the north. The site is well positioned in relation to local amenities, with Warley Primary School and Hartwood Hospital located circa 0.3 miles and 0.4 miles away respectively.




Asbestos Register Extract.pdf


37960BWLS01 Topo Survey.pdf

37960BWUG01_REV_A Utilities Survey.pdf

261410 SETA Stage 2 Blenheim Heritage Statement P02_Final.pdf

Blenheim House 2018 Quadrennial Review Inspection_v1.pdf


James Warner

07983 707 228
020 7911 2466

Barney Hillsdon

07951 283 321
020 7911 2745

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