Northern Land Holdings, University of Kent, Canterbury
The Site extends to approximately 97 ha (240 acres) and is located directly to the north of The University’s main campus area and comprises several open fields largely separated by hedgerows, small tracts of woodland and drainage canals.
The University of Kent’s submission to Canterbury Council’s Local Plan Call for Sites 2021 identified the delivery of University of Kent’s land that was suitable for future redevelopment.
The proposed development site had been identified as surplus to the University’s operational requirements and presented a unique opportunity for meeting the growth of the District in that it is suitable, deliverable and achievable for a mixed-use, residential-led development that would satisfy a significant proportion of residential development, together with the economic and social needs of the District.
The disposal site provides the opportunity for a new residential-led community comprising a minimum of 2,000 homes and associated uses across a total site area of 97ha. The new neighbourhood will be supported by a community and mobility hub, a sensitive built form which responds to the character and significance of the areas, new schools and new and open spaces which will provide a distinctive green infrastructure network within the surrounding Kent countryside.
Avison Young have been promoting the site through Local Plan process since 2021, with the latest representations submitted to Canterbury City Council in response to their Regulation 18 Local Plan in June 2024. It is expected that the Regulation 19 Draft Local Plan preparation, publication, and consultation will run until January 2026, with submission of the Draft Local Plan to the Secretary of State in February 2026. We are currently anticipating the adoption of the new Canterbury District Local Plan in March 2027.
A concept masterplan has been prepared by the University of Kent’s team, and proposes the allocation for a comprehensive mixed-use development.
The University of Kent’s submission to Canterbury Council’s Local Plan Call for Sites 2021 identified the delivery of University of Kent’s land that was suitable for future redevelopment.
The proposed development site had been identified as surplus to the University’s operational requirements and presented a unique opportunity for meeting the growth of the District in that it is suitable, deliverable and achievable for a mixed-use, residential-led development that would satisfy a significant proportion of residential development, together with the economic and social needs of the District.
The disposal site provides the opportunity for a new residential-led community comprising a minimum of 2,000 homes and associated uses across a total site area of 97ha. The new neighbourhood will be supported by a community and mobility hub, a sensitive built form which responds to the character and significance of the areas, new schools and new and open spaces which will provide a distinctive green infrastructure network within the surrounding Kent countryside.
Avison Young have been promoting the site through Local Plan process since 2021, with the latest representations submitted to Canterbury City Council in response to their Regulation 18 Local Plan in June 2024. It is expected that the Regulation 19 Draft Local Plan preparation, publication, and consultation will run until January 2026, with submission of the Draft Local Plan to the Secretary of State in February 2026. We are currently anticipating the adoption of the new Canterbury District Local Plan in March 2027.
A concept masterplan has been prepared by the University of Kent’s team, and proposes the allocation for a comprehensive mixed-use development.
Site extends to approximately 97 ha (240 acres) and is located to the north of the University of Kent's main campus, currently comprising open fields.
The site is currently being promoted through the Local Plan, with a masterplan indicating the site could deliver approximately 2,000 new dwellings, a local centre, two new schools and open space.
Unconditional and subject to planning offers invited for the Freehold interest.
Offers invited via Informal Tender.