Wylfa Power Station, Cemaes Bay, Anglesey, LL67 0DH


Proposals: Dismantling/removal and relocation/re-erection of redundant building (known as Building 187) for use as a Non-Active Clearance Facility

Consultation Start Date: 06 August 2024

Avison Young (UK) Limited, acting on behalf of Nuclear Restoration Services Limited, hereby give notice of the intention to apply for full planning permission from the Isle of Anglesey County Council to dismantle and relocate a redundant portal framed building (known as Building 187) within the confines of the Wylfa Nuclear Licensed Site (NLS) boundary to be repurposed as a Non-Active Clearance Facility (NACF).

Wylfa Power Station ceased electricity generation in 2015 and is currently undergoing decommissioning and waste management operations. To facilitate decommissioning there is often a requirement to erect buildings / structures or undertake engineering operations. In this instance, the site’s existing facility that monitors, segregates and processes non-active items/material is inadequate due to its small size and inability to allow all aspects of the material management process to be completed in the same area. Not only does the existing facility not provide enough space, but assumed future increases in throughput during the Care & Maintenance Preparations Phase will put further strain on this facility and has the potential to result in a greater risk of non-compliance and being able to handle all operations in a safe and controlled manner. Therefore, a larger facility is required to allow for the continuation of safe and compliant management of non-active items and materials.

NRS are committed to managing their assets in a sustainable way and there is an opportunity to solve this problem by reusing an existing building (Building 187) on the site, otherwise earmarked for demolition. It is therefore proposed to relocate and repurpose Building 187 as the NACF.

The existing Building 187 was originally manufactured and erected by Rubb UK and is a steel framed fabric tensioned structure designed to be portable with the ability to be customised. The building measures 234 sqm and has a minimal height of 6.2m from ground level to the ridge of the pitched roof.

All of the draft documents and drawings prepared in connection with the proposals can be viewed using the hyperlinks included below.

Application Documents


Consultation Responses


We would be grateful to receive any comments you may wish to make on the draft proposal, which has been placed on deposit for a period of 28 days. Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development is encouraged to either:

(a) Email us your comments at [email protected]; or

(b) Download or complete online our Consultation Response Form, which can be sent to us by post at Avison Young, One Kingsway, Cardiff, CF10 3AN.

Please note the deadline for consultation responses is 03 September 2024.

Following the deposit period, any subsequent planning application will be publicised by the Local Planning Authority (LPA); any comments provided in response to this consultation exercise will not prejudice your ability to make representations to the LPA on any related planning application. Please note that any comments submitted may be placed on the public file.

Gorsaf Bŵer Wylfa, Bae Cemaes, Ynys Môn, LL67 0DH


Cynigion: Datgymalu/tynnu ac adleoli/ailgodi adeilad segur (a elwir yn Adeilad 187) i’w ddefnyddio fel Cyfleuster Clirio Anweithredol

Dyddiad Dechrau’r Ymgynghoriad: 06 Awst 2024

Mae Avison Young (UK) Limited, sy’n gweithredu ar ran Nuclear Restoration Services Limited, drwy hyn yn rhoi hysbysiad o’r bwriad i wneud cais am ganiatâd cynllunio llawn gan Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn i ddatgymalu ac adleoli adeilad segur â ffrâm borthol (a elwir yn Adeilad 187) o fewn ffiniau Safle Trwyddedig Niwclear (NLS) Wylfa i gael ei ail-bwrpasu’n Gyfleuster Clirio Anweithredol (NACF).

Roedd Gorsaf Bŵer Wylfa wedi rhoi’r gorau i gynhyrchu trydan yn 2015 ac mae wrthi'n ymgymryd â gwaith datgomisiynu a rheoli gwastraff. Er mwyn hwyluso'r gwaith datgomisiynu, mae gofyn yn aml i godi adeiladau / strwythurau neu wneud gwaith peirianyddol. Yn yr achos hwn, mae cyfleuster presennol y safle sy’n monitro, gwahanu a phrosesu eitemau/deunydd anweithredol yn annigonol oherwydd ei fod yn fach o ran maint ac nad yw’n gallu caniatáu i bob agwedd ar y broses rheoli deunyddiau gael ei chwblhau yn yr un ardal. Nid yw’r cyfleuster presennol yn darparu digon o le, ond yn fwy na hynny tybir hefyd y bydd cynnydd yn y gyfradd brosesu yn y dyfodol yn ystod y Cam Paratoadau Gofal a Chynnal a Chadw yn rhoi mwy o straen ar y cyfleuster hwn ac y gallai arwain at fwy o risg o beidio â chydymffurfio a gallu delio â’r holl weithrediadau mewn ffordd ddiogel a rheoledig. Felly, mae angen cyfleuster mwy o faint er mwyn gallu parhau i reoli eitemau a deunyddiau anweithredol yn ddiogel mewn dull sy’n cydymffurfio.

Mae NRS wedi ymrwymo i reoli eu hasedau mewn ffordd gynaliadwy ac mae cyfle i ddatrys y broblem hon drwy ailddefnyddio adeilad presennol (Adeilad 187) ar y safle, sydd wedi’i glustnodi ar gyfer ei ddymchwel fel arall. Felly, cynigir adleoli ac addasu Adeilad 187 i fod yn NACF.

Cafodd yr Adeilad 187 presennol ei gynhyrchu a’i godi’n wreiddiol gan Rubb UK ac mae’n strwythur â thensiwn ffabrig a ffrâm ddur sydd wedi’i ddylunio i fod yn gludadwy gyda’r gallu i gael ei addasu. Mae’r adeilad yn mesur 234 metr sgwâr, ac mae ei uchder isaf 6.2m oddi ar lefel y ddaear hyd at grib y to ar oleddf.

Gellir gweld yr holl ddogfennau a lluniadau drafft a baratowyd mewn cysylltiad â’r cynigion drwy ddefnyddio’r hyperddolenni sydd wedi’u cynnwys isod.

Dogfennau'r Cais


Ymatebion i’r ymgynghoriad


Byddem yn falch o dderbyn unrhyw sylwadau yr hoffech eu gwneud ar y cynnig drafft, sydd wedi cael ei roi ar adnau am gyfnod o 28 diwrnod. Caiff unrhyw un sy’n dymuno cyflwyno sylwadau am y datblygiad arfaethedig hwn ei annog i naill ai:

(a) Anfon neges e-bost atom gyda’ch sylwadau i [email protected]; neu

(b) Lawrlwytho ein Ffurflen Ymateb i’r Ymgynghoriad, neu ei lenwi ar-lein, a’i anfon atom drwy’r post i Avison Young, One Kingsway, Caerdydd, CF10 3AN.

Sylwch mai’r dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymatebion i’r ymgynghoriad yw 03 Medi 2024.

Yn dilyn y cyfnod adnau, bydd unrhyw gais cynllunio dilynol yn cael cyhoeddusrwydd gan yr Awdurdod Cynllunio Lleol; ni fydd unrhyw sylwadau a gyflwynir i ymateb i'r hysbysiad hwn yn rhagfarnu eich gallu i gyflwyno sylwadau i’r Awdurdod Cynllunio Lleol ar unrhyw gais cynllunio cysylltiedig. Sylwch fod modd rhoi unrhyw sylwadau a gyflwynir ar y ffeil gyhoeddus.